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Commission on Aging
Minutes of Special Meeting
Tuesday, August 21, 2012


The Commission on Aging held a special meeting on Tuesday, August 21, 2012 at the Senior Center, 14 Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, Connecticut.  Chairman Thomas Dwyer called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.

Members Present:  Thomas Dwyer, Karin Aurelia, Larry Schneider, Curt Symes, Sheila Torres, Mary Ellen Lydem, Joanne Davis, Margaret Imbro, JoAnne Albanesi, Joan Plouffe and Anne Rothstein.

Member Absent: LeReine Frampton.

Support & Advisory Present:  Marilyn Place, Director of Senior Services; Ann Piccini, Municipal Agent for the Elderly; Maryhelen McCarthy, Police Officer, Newtown Police Department & TRIAD Representative and Robert Sharpe, Chairman of the Senior Action Committee.

Also present: Aida Reiske of the Senior Center staff and Louise Zierzow of the Senior Action Committee.


Proposed New Senior Center – Mr. Dwyer introduced Edward Marks, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Commission and Amy Mangold, Director of the Parks & Recreation Department. He had invited them to attend so that discussions could begin regarding the possibility of P&R and the COA working together toward obtain-ing a building which would house both a P&R facility and a Senior Center as suggested by First Selectman Llodra when she addressed the COA at their May meeting.

Mr. Marks summarized the efforts P&R and the COA made several years ago to have such a building constructed but the project failed to get beyond the design stage because the site allocated to it couldn’t accommodate a building of the size desired and the estimated cost was more than the town was willing to fund. He then made the following comments and suggestions:

  • there’s a significant benefit to the seniors for the Senior Center to be on the Fairfield Hills Campus because of the many recreational opportunities there.
  • although the seniors want totally dedicated space, there would be advantages to having some shared space, such as a swimming pool and a large modular/dividable room for dances and exercises since most P&R programming happens at night.
  • it’s possible that the town may purchase the Newtown Youth Academy and if so it could be reconfigured and extended to accommodate both P&R and the Senior Center.
  • according to P&R member Jan Brookes, 75% of the households in Newtown are childless. Thus, some P&R members are working on developing new programs, including some for seniors.
  • Reed School may be closed and could be repurposed as a P&R/Senior Center.
  • an estimated cost should be shown in the CIP as a placeholder for a new, stand alone, Senior Center and should include an escalation estimate.
  • the COA and Senior Services should decide on how much space senior needs will require and what types of facilities they’ll want in a new Senior Center so that this information will be available for the design phase.  
Ms. Davis noted that the new Senior Center is a long term goal and asked that Parks & Rec begin to collaborate now with the Commission on programs for the elderly that would be conducted at town facilities other than the Senior Center.  The Senior Center is already too tightly scheduled and overused and is inadequate for many increased programming needs. Mr. Marks and Ms. Mangold agreed that this collaboration was important to the missions of both Commissions and mentioned that they are beginning discussions with the NYA about senior programming.  They agreed to involve the COA and the director of the Senior Center in such discussions to the extent the COA wishes to pursue such matters

Mr. Dwyer thanked Mr. Marks and Ms. Mangold for their attendance and input and stated that the COA will cooperate with them to the greatest extent possible in order to find the best way of obtaining a new and improved Senior Center. He then distributed an extract from the minutes of the Board of Selectmen’s August 6, 2012 meeting that noted a statement made by First Selectman Llodra to the Board about Newtown’s municipal space needs, one of which being a new Senior Center. He also distributed an article from the August 10, 2012 issue of the Danbury News-Times providing additional information about what was said at the meeting on this subject. (Attachments A and B to the original minutes).

Senior Resources Guide – Ms. Torres apologized for not having a new draft available and said she’d e-mail it to the Commissioners in the near future requesting their comments and suggestions. It will include letters from First Selectman Llodra and other town officials. Officer McCarthy suggested that it also include a letter from the Chief of Police which Ms. Torres said she would request. Once all comments and suggestions are received and inserted she’ll have it printed up for distribution at the Open House on September 15th. At the request of Ms. Torres,  Ms. Aurelia moved to approve the withdrawal of not more than $500 from the COA Gift Fund to pay for the printing of the guide;  seconded by Ms. Imbro and unanimously approved.

Planned Giving Program – Mr. Symes distributed a draft of a document that explained the Planned Giving Program he is setting up (Attachment C to the original minutes) and requested comments and suggestions. When they are received he will issue a final one which he hopes to have available at the Open House. Ms. Place is helping him obtain a pamphlet to promote the Program. He stated that the First Selectman, Finance Director and Town Attorney are all on board with the draft program so far. Ms. Davis said that she would like to see the Program actively publicized when it is ready to be unveiled.

Strategic Planning Team – Ms. Torres distributed a six page draft document setting forth the team’s proposed  short term Tactics, Key Messages and Action Plan Calendar. (Attachment D to the original minutes). She asked that the Commissioners let her have their suggestions for improvements.

Ms. Torres spoke about the Strategic Plan Team’s suggestion that the COA have a quarterly “Meet the Commission” segment for 15 – 30 minutes after its regular meeting. This would allow the public to learn about the priorities the COA is working on and provide input if they wish. If this is approved, the first “Meet the COA” session will happen after the December meeting.

Ms. Davis stated that teams of Commissioners will be formed to pursue the following COA goals and asked that the Commissioners let her know which ones they’d like to serve on:

                Strategic Planning
                Finance & Legal Matters
                Community Relations
                Senior Center & Facilities

Ms. Torres distributed a COA biographies document entitled Draft 2 – Newtown Commission on Aging: Who We Are and Why We Serve which contained a photo of several Commissioners plus background information on each and requested that those not shown send her a photo and similar information on themselves for inclusion in a final printing which she intends to make available at the Open House. (Attachment E to the original minutes).

She also distributed a draft document comparing Newtown’s Senior Center with those in Shelton, Monroe, Oxford and Redding with a statement on the reverse side entitled Why Does Newtown Need A New Senior Center? and requested suggestions for improvements from the Commissioners as soon as possible so that she can have a final printing made in time for the Open House. (Attachment F to the original minutes)

Victory Garden Row – Ms. Torres said that there was nothing new to report.

Visits to Senior Centers in Nearby Towns – Mr. Dwyer reported that a visit to the Ridgefield Senior Center, which had been scheduled for August 3rd, was called off and has not yet been rescheduled.

COA Open House in September – Ms. Place pointed out that this is the last COA meeting before the Open House which is scheduled for Saturday, September 15, 2012. The event will run from 11:00am till 2:00pm but she would like the Commissioners to arrive at 10:30 am and for each to bring a platter of food.     

(At this point in the meeting, 6:40pm, Ms. Davis and Plouffe left)

Ms. Place stated that she has received a quote of $5.25 each for the T- Shirts she would like to purchase and sell for $9.95 each at the Open House. The shirts would have the words Newtown Senior Center – Where Silver is Golden printed on them and are available in black or white. She would also like to buy some car decals at $2.00 each with the same statement printed thereon. Mr. Symes moved to approve the withdrawal of not more than $700 from the COA Gift Fund to pay for 50 black and 50 white T-Shirts plus an unspecified number of car decals; seconded by Ms. Albenesi and unanimously approved.

MINUTES OF JUNE 18, 2012 MEETING - Mr. Symes moved to approve the Minutes of June 18, 2012 as submitted; seconded by Ms. Albanesi and unanimously approved.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Ms. Aurelia distributed a copy of a report issued by Finance showing activity in the COA Gift Fund for the period July 1, 2011 to August 21, 2012 but there was no time for discussion regarding it. (Attachment G to the original minutes)

DIRECTOR OF SENIOR SERVICES REPORT  - Ms. Place distributed her report for the period July 17, 2012 to August 21, 2012 but there was no time for discussion regarding it. (Attachment H to the original minutes)

MUNICIPAL AGENT FOR THE ELDERY REPORT – Ms. Piccini distributed her report dated August 21, 2012 but there was no time for discussion. (Attachment I to the original minutes)

NEW BUSINESS –  None reported


ADJOURNMENT – Mr. Symes moved to adjourn the meeting;  seconded by Ms. Torres and unanimously approved.  The meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Margaret Wilkin, Clerk